Graduierten- und AusbildungsprogrammPostgraduate and Training Programs

Postgraduate and Training Programs

Aside from research, training is of essential importance for the success of the interdisciplinary project. The Hannover universities are developing postgraduate and training programs for this purpose, with the aim of encouraging close association between research and teaching. The scientists needed for the developments of the future will be provided with interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary training. The results of current research will be continuously incorporated in the training, in order to guarantee a foundation for the long-term implementation of the newest results and to allow the research to be continued in a consistent manner. This interdisciplinary approach will prepare the graduates appropriately for future work in research and in the medical device industry. This module will also include independent research on training, in order to improve the qualification of young scientists in the universities in the long term. The training unit is split into three sections: a postgraduate program, an introductory training model on the principles of biofabrication for all bachelor courses in the participating universities, as well as an in-depth training module on advanced methods in biofabrication, for all master courses in the participating universities.

Graduate Program

The objective of this graduate program is to support transdisciplinary and long-term support of all graduates in the various projects in BIOFABRICATION. The structure of this support is intended to give graduates the possibility of receiving excellent basic scientific and medical postgraduate education, and thus to provide them with first class professional opportunities in industry or in public research facilities. Aside from this core expertise, the graduate school is also to serve as a platform to introduce young scientists to the research programs in BIOFABRICATION.

The graduates in the program are provided with in-depth structured training in the various specialist disciplines. All departments involved hold seminars and practical courses that are attended by the graduates during their courses. The seminars and practical courses are intended to provide broad expertise and to further scientific and personal contacts among the graduate students. The students are also encouraged to attend the functions of other facilities in the Hannover region and are offered the opportunity of presenting their scientific work at congresses. 

Biofabrication – Principles (Bachelor Courses)

An optional interdisciplinary module is offered for the fifth or sixth semester in various bachelor courses in natural and engineering sciences in Leibniz University Hannover; this explains the principles of BIOFABRICATION in a series of lectures with a seminar. The individual university lecturers participating in the BIOFABRICATION research program will present their research work in the context of the interdisciplinary studies. The objective is to present the bachelor students with interdisciplinary knowledge and to facilitate the selection of a suitable Masters program. In addition, research and teaching will be combined at the appropriate level.

Biofabrication – Advanced Methods (Master Courses)

The participating university master courses prepare a common optional (or compulsory) training unit. On the basis of the training module “Biofabrication - Principles”, the objective is to provide in-depth training in the various disciplines, supported by practical exercises and seminars. The practical exercises are to be managed in part and performed by the doctoral students of the graduate program, so that interactions between the doctoral students, the bachelor students and the lecturers are possible.

Here are the staff of this module.